Thursday, December 17, 2009

HSC and fashion jewellery

So I did ok in my marks. I got a lot higher than expected :) mostly 80 and two in the 70's but I did ok. My ATAR was high 70's. I was hoping to get into the 80's but whatever, teachers dont have to be that smart anyway. lol.

So here's a pic of the blue wog lady necklace

You cant see it but the top says 'fashion jewellery' and in my opinion if you have to proclaim to the world that your fashion jewellery then, I'm sorry hun, your not.
You know whats weird though. It was starting to grow on me. But I just looked at it again and there is no chance in hell I would be wearing it.
As I have nothing interesting to say, im going.
much love


  1. sorry to hear ari join the club.
    wow i can never see you wear that lol hey i hope you like my present i need to give it to you asap.

  2. congrats girl! great job regardless :)
    ps. that necklace is so sexy, i knew you'd like it hahaha
