Tuesday, December 15, 2009

and I'm finally back

So after a (unintentional) week break I'm talking again. So much has happened. Uninteresting things happened, like working and cleaning the damn house. And interesting things like going to wollongong with my good friend minus the parents! Yay! lol...and it was funny as at the hotel they had free dvd hire at reception and being two girls who grew up without a tv we watched about 8 different movies. lol...shamefull and lame I know.

We saw 17 again which was quite interesting. I thought it would be lame as it included plastic fantastic zac efron but you know it wasnt that bad. I actually cried. and I dont cry in movies.

Out of the 8 I would have to say my fav was the 90's flick she's all that typical chick flick; jock gets dumped by popular gf + jock gets dared to date nerdy art girl + nerdy art girl hates him + jock falls in love + dare becomes public knowledge + nerdy art girl heartbroken + jock says sorry = nerdy art girls first kiss + happily ever after.

The funny thing about chick flicks is the way we (try to) apply them to our lives. Not only do we relate to the nerdy loner we desperately crave the attention of the jock (or any male for some). Dont get me wrong I'm not dissing girls who do that cuz I am one. Though as we examine reality we find were not that nerdy, and guys are not that fantastic. shock horror, who thought it would be possible that guys are not all they're cracked up to be. I'm not turning lezzo or hoping to become a nun. I'm in what could be called a 'relationship' and I use that term loosely. And though sometimes guys can be absolutely fantastic, they can be downright dimwitted jerks.

But enough of my male species rant (yes they are a species as they cannot possibly be of the same race) HSC results come out tomorrow and ATAR day after that. I think I'll be relieved as I'll finally be able to see if I'm worth the effort put in :P i say that in jest. It will be a relief though to get my marks, to see if exams reflect my assessment marks.

We have a bible study christmas party tonight. secret santa. yay. fingers crossed for no blue wog lady necklace. the thing is haunting me. I might post a photo later :)

much love



  1. haha she's all that! love that movie... freddy prince jr is gorgeous!
    and im so scared for hsc results and please post a photo of the necklace!!!

  2. I know its an awesome movie, you gotta love the 90's I'll defo post soon :)
