Friday, April 9, 2010


hmmm yeah just finished listening to that song

ok i have nothing of significance to say

so I grew my child to age 8 this arvo

I have to have him to 18 by the end of next week ><

raising a child is hard

and sometimes there really annoying :P

I wonder if the virtual world is anything like the real thing. For some reason you get attached. Yeah its an internet program but you feel a part of the little person and the responsibility is insane. You know I would love a kid. Hard work. And he wouldnt get to age 18 in 2 weeks. lol. Virtual world children can teach you a lot I guess. A bit like real children??

much love


ps: elle check out the subtitle of this blog ;) the phrase is popping up everywhere!!!

1 comment:

  1. All these freaking people stealing my freaking saying! haha
