Thursday, April 29, 2010

am i wrong?

How do you know when your wrong?

I have had a major love for a while now, and only know am I being bombarded with; "you can do better"

Why didnt you tell me all this BEFORE I got so attached.

Is someone's worth really attached to what job they do, if and what they study?

Am I a better person because I go to uni?

Am I better because I have iniciative?

Someone develops those attributes.

If you claim someone is a no hoper does that mean you give up on them? Are they not worth your time?

I'm going to be a teacher in 4 years. Does that mean I give up on the student who is only going to drop out as soon as they can?

Why cant I be trusted to make the right decision?

Why do I get told that 'if you do....we will not approve....but you know, its your life and your decision.'
Yeah, your not manipulating me at all.

Screw what I think.


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