Monday, November 30, 2009
Everything Sucks?
I havnt written in a while as I have been a moody teenager. everything sucks. quite embarrassing once I got over it actually. I think it has something to do with me pulling a muscle (somehow) and now it hurts to breathe. let me tell you its THE worst feeling having to take shallow breaths otherwise your ribs feel like there going to explode. It all started before Loren's party. Stuffing my face with popcorn chicken snack box, then going to a party to eat more...I thought maybe the food was killing my breathing. But, 24 hours later and I'm still in pain. So its a muscle. YAY :) But I did learn a valuable lesson: never eat before a filo party (or a greek one, or an italian one....really anything thats not aussie cuz your guarranteed to starve at one of those) But I still love my aussie friends.... :)
Hopefully its all better by my birthday party on friday. Only 5 days to go!!! :) Yay! I'm really excited about having all my friends over. I dont know, I'm just having a good feeling about it. I think I'm more excited about school friends coming, as we now dont go to school. I know that sounds weird but yeah. It'll be good seeing everyone. Well, everyone who thought I was a good enough friend to attend a birthday party for (does that make sense?) I'm quite interested to hear what Elle will have to say, and the other randoms mum chose, I wonder what they are going to say.
I totally cant wait for friday. I'm so excited. I have to be honest through, as Ive invited 70+ people that means craploads of presents. Call me materialistic but I dont think I've ever had a party this big especially since my birthday is in the limbo week between Christmas and New Years Eve and everyone forgets that everyone exists cuz there all at the Post-Christmas Sales.
Anyways I must be off :)
Much love
Friday, November 27, 2009
The lights...
It actually looks quite pretty. Im so excited for all the decorating etc :)
Finished reading Handle with care .....not as good as I thought it would be. Liked nineteen minutes better. I think I didnt like how it ended, or how it got a bit tiring at the end. Like the feeling you have when you have to push through something? I dunno. But yeah.
Anyway as I have nothing of significance to say. I shall be off.
10:4 :)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Looking through the lyrics...
Especially put to music.
- With or without you by U2
- Undisclosed Desires by Muse
I have my reasons. They just apply to me right now. It sounds really depressing. I guess that led me to make a list of inspiring lyrics. Just ones I could think of on the spot. I have this obsessive thing that makes me want to remember the lyrics. properly. word for word.
There is nothing worse than someone who doesnt know the lyrics a song and yet tries to sing it, please people at least learn the words.
(yes I'm talking to you young lady perched on your friends shoulders at the sound relief concert earlier this year, millions of people saw you try to sing 'love story' and you only knew the words, romeo and juliet [great effort.....puh-lease]....)
Anyway to my list, right now lyrics that inspire (well me at least)
- When everything is stripped away will your life be just a waste of time, or will you be fine? – decemeberadio
- Tell me I can make it through this day, I don't even have the words to pray You have been the only One who never left me Help me find the way through all my fears Help me see the light through all my tearsHelp me see that I am not alone in this – superchick, hold
- And if I had to crawl, Will you crawl too I stumble and I fall Carry me through The wonder of it all Is you see me through – superchick crawl (carry me through)
- Whispering lies and it hurts again... – Red, fight inside
- My best defense, running from you, I can't resist, take all you want from me – red, already over pt.2
- I'm here again, A thousand miles away from you, A broken mess, just scattered pieces of who I am, I tried so hard, Thought I could do this on my own – red, pieces
- When your girl has left you out on the pavement (goodbye)
Then your dreams fall apart at the seams
Your reason for livings your reason for leaving
- ABC Look of Love (80’s band) - Cuz when I looked into your eyes, And you dared to stare right back, You should've said "Nice to meet you, I'm your other half"
_Relient K, The Best thing
- You dont have to have a broken heart to know it can be broken - evermore, running
And so, that is my collection. For now at least. You probably noticed their all the same. But you know what. I dont care.
I just finished reading nineteen minutes by jodi piccout. Good read. Made me realise that me thinking less of someone can hurt me eventually.
Thats my deep thoughts for the day.
Must be off my pretties.... :)
Butter Chicken
Though life has been uber boring im totally excited about my party! Yay! Only a week and a day to go! :)
Im so excited, mostly for the presents.....but of course the awesome fun time well have :)
well I must be off as I am quite boring today :(
Much love
Saturday, November 21, 2009
No new news....
It has been so so so HOT lately!! So annoying.
So last night I had the window open and got eaten alive by the hundreds of mozzies in the I didnt sleep much. Going to a 40th tonight I hope its not lame.
Just wanted to have a shout out to my good friend Jason who is off to Japan! Hope you have the best trip ever!!! :)
Well I'm dead tired so I'll be off :)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Heavens Gates : Hells Flames
On the upside, Kris (as in taught us as a student teacher then married a student) was the devil, how appropriate. And my best friend had an abortion, got aids, ODed (on mentos mind you) and went to hell - in that order. Funny cuz in real life shes like one of the strongest Christians I know.
Had a team meeting for my new job at Diva. Got my BRIGHT PINK shirt for Christmas. And free wristbands and headbands (you get free stuff every month cuz you have to wear it). My first shift is on 28th :) 9-2
Well I'm sleeping over elles this arvo so I have to stuff my piñata for my party YAY! I got all plates and cups and cutlery and napkins and stuff yesterday. I just have to get lollies and toys to stuff the piñata with. Its a spiderman one :) I love spiderman...
Well I must be off
Çruel is a matter of perspective' ~Capt Jack Sparrow
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Pantene and Aqua Arobics
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Mosquitoes watch Phantom of the Opera
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Due to popular demand
Went to the movies today for the first time in 8 years (the last movie I watched at the movies was Monsters Inc.)
I saw Time Travellers Wife, quite an interesting film but I was thoroughly confused through most of it... reccomendation : wait for the dvd
I was really nervous buying my ticket. I started using the automatic machine and then realised it didnt take cash. Embarrassed I walked towards the young asian behind the counter and said. One ticket for time travellers wife
Sure, here's my concession card and can I get some popcorn...?
Would you like a drink with that?
No, Actually scrap the popcorn i just want an ice cream
(weird look) sure....
I proceeded through the archway, a girl ripped my ticket and I went into the big movie theatre place. Watched the movie, ate my ice cream and melted snickers, got a few weird looks cuz I was by myself and walked home.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Black on the bottom, red on top ;)
Blue/Black on the bottom and cherry red on top. Its pretty cool I guess, conservative father just gasped...mother didnt care
Contemplating going to the movies sometime soon, since I havnt been since Monsters Inc came out (I know its sad...)
Was thinking about my last post about HSC, then compared it to eleanor's heartfelt message. I feel totally selfish...but thats why we're best friends :) I'm selfish and she listens :P love you elle.
So (back to being selfish) one of my acrilic nails are totally coming off and I'm annoyed cuz they always fall off and then the lady who does them looks at me funny :P
Anyways, have fun. Hope all is well :)
'There's no guarantee of coming back, but passin' on thats dead certain' ~Capt Barbossa
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I think the last exam was the hardest cuz it was the last one. lol....ok I'll explain. I totally in the middle of the exam felt like 'augh, I totally dont want to do this anymore. Im so over it.' But thankfully I got through it......and no one died.
Now is the nervous wait for the 16th December.
And then the 30th of December....when I will be partially free
Then the 6th January*....when I will officially and totally be free ;)
I'm totally going to my first telafonica gig on Saturday, and its totally going to cost me 5 bucks...I'm so cheap :P it should be fun, I might update you

until next time
This is a cool picture of when the english class went to bondi and we saw the cool is that??? Pretty cool I say
'Its not about living forever...its about whether you can live with yourself forever.' ~Capt Jack Sparrow's Dad (Dont remember his name)
*the official date when I'm allowed to talk to......someone again
There's nothing else to do
My last two exams are today, I'll hopefully get my leavers form all signed and then I'll officially be finshed school. Wow, I remeber being in year 7 and wondering what it would be like...well young Ari, its nothing like you thought it would be. Your not crying, or whatever....(you unemotional thing you) its sorta how I felt when my dad started a new church and I had to leave the church I had been going to since I was 4. It's like I'm sad to leave but I know its a new direction in my life, that if I didnt move on I wouldnt have grown as a person. It'll bring new things, but I'm def going to stay in touch with those in the past. It just means I guess I'm excited at the new things I'm facing. I will be sorely dissapointed if I dont get into uni, I dont know if things are going to work out but I do know that its going to be ok. Its going to be all good, everything is going to work out fine.
I'm insanely positive about the future.... :)
'Good night, good night.
God me such uses send,
not to pick bad from bad,
But by bad mend''
Othello Act IV, iii, L.103-104
(p.s all she is saying is that just cuz others do evil doesnt give excuse for us to as well...)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
An hour and 3 min later....
After all that...I'm writing a blog...go figure. I guess I'm better at blah blah blah than actually writing something of substance. lol. I could have a cry about my life, but that would be emo. Actually you know what, I was listening to the radio the other night and Pete Wenz was on and he was complaining about whingy emo bands...i guess now that he got his fringe lopped off he's officially 'un-emoed' :)
Actually speaking of fringes my little cousin has the emo fringe thing going...and so I told him that my friend knows a gay guy who has a fringe like you so should have seen his face. He totally freaked started going on how he's a homaphobe (or however you spell it, I've never had to spell it before), quite a strange word coming from a 11 year old.
Ahh...I remember being 11 not a care in the world, except when that girl 'steals' your best friend...haha, the idea of stealing someone seems hilarious. I think stealing someone would be fun. I'd give them back of course...
Anyway, I was thinking about decorations for my party and for those who have seen my backyard, what do you think of fairy lights and paperlanterns with candles in them? Was wondering if for the lanterns I could string them across the yard, dont know how but I'll figure it going to be an adventure.
ok, blabbed on enough....
The real reason
So I'm jumping on the bandwagon....judge all you like...its cyberland I cant hear you :P
I guess really I'm obessed with this kind of stuff....explaining my short fat ethan times
I really should go, you know that whole HSC study thing...
only 2 exams left and then total freedom to be a bum...he he
10:4 ;)
'treat your friends as you would pictures, place them in your best light' -J.J Churchill