Monday, January 11, 2010

lifes tough

I guess life is weird. You go through and you get to places you'd never throught you would be. You wish you were someone else. You wish you were not in the place you are. Its weird. I think all this spare time is making me think too much. Or maybe I need to face my fears and do what is right? I've lived my life longing not to hurt anyone, but eventually im going to have to. How do you make a decision that will either hurt you in the long run or another person? They say when you love someone, you'll want the best for them. what if whats best is going to hurt them and you dont know how they'll recover? Do you tell them the whole truth? Or do you soften it...? Softening it only makes it worse I think cuz your still avoiding the problem.


enough deep thinking for me..

much love


ps. Jason best of bootie 2009 is out :) go to bootie blog they have a link also DJ Earworm has done a United States of Pop for 09 :) thought you might be interested.